Friday, April 26, 2024

Perfection in You (Dzokou Valley, Nagaland)


Yesterday a conversation ended with a phrase which i dread, “Nothing is perfect.” Since childhood, we are programmed to believe in this three worder. I do not know about governments, policies, or people; maybe they can never be perfect, but again, i guess we wade in the wrong corners. You have experienced propa-tod-phod perfection in what we call ‘moments’, those perfect little moments. When you feel blessed after a few dips in the Ganga on a freezing winter evening, when the sky turns scarlet as the sun sets in the himalayas, when after dinner your dog lays its head on your lap, when the traffic cop lets you go coz its his daughters wedding, when you stalk a butterfly hoping for a photograph and it does not fly away, when she smiles for some strange reason you will never understand, and when you are tired as hell and and you find a bench at the most beautiful place. Yes, perfection exists, it exists in time. We have all experienced it and cherished it, so why not talk about it.

Where: En route Dzokou Valley in Nagaland.

Why you should visit: The trek to the valley is pretty easy with a three hour climb from Viswema in Nagaland. The valley has a landscape which can be undoubtedly considered surreal. This is one of the best and easily accessible treks in Nagaland. With nothing around far far away, night stay at the valley can get very adventurous.

Things to do: Chill, Spend a night in the caves in the valley, Get lost in emptiness.

Best time to visit: The valley starts flowering end of June and its a good time to visit till October. However, monsoons should be avoided.

Accessible from: Kohima and Viswema in Nagaland. Kohima is an eight hour drive from Guwahati in Assam.



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